Follow Wavesailing South americans ONLINE TV..


Gli amici peruviani ci avvisano che è possibile seguire dal vivo, in tempo reale, i South American Windsurfing Championship in svolgimento a Pacasmayo (Perù)… basta cliccare su al link “EN VIVO”.
Oggi sono previste onde sui due metri, mentre domani potrebbe essere un venerdì… da leoni!

Hi all,  please share with all windsurfers of the world that the South American Windsurfing Championship, actually happening until Saturday in Pacasmayo, Peru, can be followed ONLINE at real time in the following link…
at the link “EN VIVO”
This is a big effort from us to share this event with a TV production with about 10 people to film here a movie about the event.
Today we will have up to 2 meter height waves (500-1000 meter long) and hope Friday double height double long.
Thanks for all your support.
Ricardo Guglielmino


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