Kenneth Danielsen 2008 Danish freestyle championships


Il team rider RRD Kenneth Danielsen si è laureato Campione Danese 2008 di Freestyle e si è aggiudicato la seconda piazza in classifica Wave, grazie all’ottima prestazione durante l’ultimo evento della stagione a Klitmoeller.
Congratulazioni Kenneth!

Danish wave and freestyle sailor Kenneth Danielsen wins the 2008 Danish freestyle championships and takes 2nd in wave.
Kenneth is a talented Danish wave and freestyle sailor. Here are his thoughts about his performance: “There wasn’t  as much wind at the championships as we could have hope for, but we managed to get a result through any ways. I was using the RRD WaveTwin 82 and the freesyle TwinTip 100. Both boards was working really well. I’m real happy with my results on the RRD Boards”.

Kenneth Danielsen plans to attend the EFPT tour and maybe some PWA events for 2009.
He is ponsored by: RRD boards, Simmersails, MFC, Mystic, Plasma and Skishop.

Danish Wave Championship 2008
1. Mads Bjørnå D-20
2. Kenneth Danielsen D-38
3. Lars Petersen D-99
4. Robert Sand D-62

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