EFE in Six Fours…


Fervono a Brutal Beach i lavori per ospitare nel migliore dei modi l’ultima tappa dell’European freestyle Championships EFPT in programma  dal 24 al 27 ottobre! Nell’attesa di vedere all’opera riders provenienti da un po’ tutta l’Europa (Italiani, Russi, Inglesi, Sloveni, Olandesi, Belgi…) gli organizzatori possono già “fregiarsi” della sicura partecipazione di ben quattro top ten del ranking mondiale 2013 freestyle! Tra questi anche il belga Steven Van Broeckhoven reduce dal terzo posto rimediato nel PWA World tour di quest’anno… ecco i suoi giudizi (rigorosamente in Inglese) sui suoi più forti avversari che troverà a Brutal Beach…
- Tonky Frans (world ranked 4 in 2013): THE style master, the best !
- Dieter Van Der Eyken (top 5): he’s a very good competitor, really dangerous as he knows what he is doing !
- Antony Ruenes (top 7 and world’s best French): he always goes for style when he is on fire. He really rips !
- Adrien Bosson (top 12): the guy who surprized me the most this year how his level has grow a lot.
- Rick Jendrusch (top 18 and top 7 EFPT): upcoming young dutch talent, really motivaded to compete.

Van Broeckhoven will battle against his most serious opponents, Frans and Van Der Eyken (respectively second and 1st on last year’s EFE event), but Six Fours is this year the final step of the tour and will deliver the title of European Freestyle Champion. The issue is also very important for some guys like the German Adrian Behölz (currently 4th on the European Tour) or the Dutch Rick Jendrusch (ranked 7th) !
The action will take place on the spot “Brutal Beach” in Six Fours, from Thursday October 24th to Sunday 27th. Registrations will be held up until 12pm on the first day. The competition can start at 1pm, depending on weather conditions. Each day, the competition schedule will be from 10am to 6pm . If the wind fails, the ‘tow in’ discipline will take place but in the afternoon only.
Fanatic, North Sails, Avanti Sails and F2 will be present to show up their new 2014 toys. Some Stand Up Paddle boards will be available. A photo exhibition on the theme of windsurfing is also planned in the tent where you can enjoy the comfort of a lounge area set up by the partner Bigbao.
A night program is also scheduled as the organization announces a drink at ‘le Mafana’ (on the harbor of la Coudoulière) the first night just after the opening ceremony, and two dinners on the spot of Brutal Beach at ‘La Vague’ and “la Cidrerie”. More information on the website of the event or via the daily updated Facebook page, from October 24.
In the meantime, feel free to read and share the details of our very active Facebook page, or visit the website for more complete information. Find below the teaser of the event, signed by Pertusatofilms.

European Freestyle Expression 2013_Teaser from Open Ocean Media on Vimeo.


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