Fuerte Wave Classic 2011


A poco più di una settimana dalla nuova edizione del Fuerte Wave Classic 2011, gli “animi” si stanno scaldando… quest’anno i big names che parteciperanno all’evento sono veramente tanti: Alex Mussolini (Spagna), Alice Arutkin (Francia), Dario Ojeda (Canary Islands), Daida e Iballa Ruano (Canary Islands), Eleazar Alonso (Canary Islands), Fanny Aubet (Francia), JB Caste (Francia), Jonas Ceballos (Canary Islands), Jules e Justin Denel (Francia), Mikey Cancy (Irlanda), Nayra ALonso (Canary Islands), Steffi Wahl
(Germania),  Thomas Traversa (Francia… avvistato un paio di settimane fa a Sal ad allenarsi sulle grandi onde di Ponta Preta!), Tom Hartmann (Austria)… più i local riders Nicole Boronat, Jaume Coll, Stefan Etienne, Shannon Bohny. E vogliamo dimenticare uno dei più famosi windsurfisti al mondo… “Terminator” Bjorn Dunkerbeck sarà anche lui della partita! Eccovi una mini intervista in Inglese a Dunki.


Interview with Bjorn Dunkerbeck
FWC: You are on the event poster of the Fuerteventura Wave Classic? Will you join the event and what´s the reason for this surprising comeback at an wave event?
Björn: I´ll do wave sailing, when the waves are good. So this event will be a fun one to do for me!  Also I want to test some Starboard speed boards and iSonics and sails in the South of the island at Sotavento. I also want to sail with the Reflex II,  which I am very happy with and I am sure every one, who will try one would like to have one.
FWC: Will you compete if the conditions should fit at the North Shore of Fuerteventura and did you find some days to prepare for the event?
Björn: I will be there the first 4-5 days and compete, if the waves are good, but just for fun!
FWC: Do you like the concept of the Fuerteventura Wave Classic with a mobile structure?
Björn: Yes, it is a great concept, which makes sure to get the best conditions. There are a few great places like Rocky point, Mejillones, Majanicho. We will see which one works best!
FWC: This location often gets compared with Hawaii. Would you say this is a fair comparison or offers Hawaii much better conditions?
Björn: It can be as good as Hookipa and the outer reefs like Lanes and Spreckelsville!
FWC: Would you say that February is a good period to run a wave event?
Björn: Yes, its a good month for sure out of my view!
FWC: At which spot at the North Shore of Fuerteventura did you windsurf or surf the biggest waves in your career so far?
Björn: I think it was Mejillones long time ago.
FWC: What do you expect out of your personal view from your participation in the event?
Björn: To get good waves and enjoy them.
FWC: Will you bring your surf- or SUP boards?
Björn: I always bring my SUP board. It is a great way to get many more days on the water, both in waves and also downwinders.





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