FWC ‘011… the first round!


Ieri sera si è svolta presso l’Oasis Papagayo Resort, la cerimonia di apertura di questa edizione della Fuerteventura Wave Classic e l’organizzazione capitanata da Orlando Lavandera ha già messo nero su bianco il primo round di questo… cool and radical event! All’appello, tra i riders, ieri sera  mancavano solo Thomas Traversa, atteso per oggi e Björn Dunkerbeck che arriverà mercoledì.



Heat 1 Women:
Daida Moreno
Iballa Moreno
Nayra Alonso
Nicole Boronat
Alice Arutkin
Fanny Aubet

Heat 2 Men:
Shannon Bohny
Yannick Anton
Jaume Coll
Eleazar Alonso
Thomas Traversa

Heat 3 Men:
Dario Ojeda
Aleix Sanllehy
Alex Mussolini
Mickey Clancy
Justin Denel
Jonas Ceballos

Heat 4 Men:
JB Caste
Albert Ferroni
Will Ward
Stephand Etienne
Tom Hartmann


Yesterday evening the opening ceremony and the drawing for the first round took place. The ceremony was held in the Oasis Papagayo Resort in Corralejo and organizer Orlando Lavandera announced the main goal of the event: “This is an event, which is made for riders. And together with all of you, who showed up, we want to present windsurfing as a cool and radical sport.”
All riders of the event, except Thomas Traversa, who will arrive today, watched the drawing. Guest rider Björn Dunkerbeck will arrive on Wednesday.
Orlando Lavandera also explained the judging system and informed the riders about the race comitee and riders representatives, which will exist of Iballa Moreno, Dario Ojeda and Stephane Etienne.
The whole event will be judged by the riders. Heat 1 will be judged by heat 3, heat 2 by heat 4, heat 3 by heat 1, heat 4 by heat 2.
The first skippers meeting will take place on Tuesday at 10.00 am in the hotel.



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