Fuerteventura Wave Classic - Day 9


Il giorno nove, che faceva ben sperare viste le previsioni di una mareggiata bella “spessa”, ha regalato un po’ di azione ai riders. Thomas Traversa, fresco dell’annuncio dell’ingaggio dell’italianissima Maverx mast, ha deciso di provare ancora una volta ad uscire tra le big wave dello spot di Puertito. Il vento leggero, le onde grosse e la fortuna non lo hanno aiutato molto… ha provato ad uscire da una spiaggietta sopravento, ma ha rotto la prolunga ed è riuscito a ritornare a riva con il rig salvo… molto, molto contrariato, come potete leggere nel report in Inglese. Nel frattempo Yannick Anton si è surfato le migliori onde della giornata a Entunbadera presso Flag beach, con vento dai 10 ai 15 nodi… ma anche Mikey Clancy, Fanny Aubet e JB Caste, come vedete, si sono dati da fare.
Rimangono due solo giorni da “giocarsi” per FWC, ma organizzatori e riders non disperano…
Eventwebsite http://www.fuertewaveclassic.com/
FWC on Twitter  http://twitter.com/FWC2011


Day 9 had a great swell forecast and most of the big wave addicted participants had a small that another session at the big wave spot of Puertito could happen. In the end it came different. Just Thomas Traversa tried to make it out at Puertito. He entered far upwind in a little bay but crashed his extension on the way out through the massive white water sections. He was lucky not to destroy the whole rig and made it back to the beach. “I am still angry, I did not make more out of it, when we had more wind and perfect conditions on the fifth day of the competition. Let´s hope for the last two days.”
The rest stayed at Entrubadera at the Flag beach, where 2 to 4 feet high waves were breaking on the reef. The wind was in between 10 and 15 knots and it was again Yannick Anton, who scored great rides. But also Mikey Clancy, Fanny Aubet and JB Caste were really active and took the chance to catch some of the waves, produced by the big northwesterly to northerly swell. The wind blew from norhwestern direction and arrived in a perfect angle towards the nice spot. Austrian Tom Hartmann decided to paddlesurf the wave and had some nice rides at the shallow reef as well.
So let´s hope, that the final two days will bring some suitable condition to run any heats at the FWC 2011! There is a little chance to see conditions at Entubadera.




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