European Funboard Expression… ci siamo!


Poche ore ci separano dall’inizio della terza edizione del Wave and Freestyle Championship European Funboard Expression. Dopo una lunga settimana di battaglia in wave e slalom in occasione dell’ AFF French Championship andato in onda negli spots di Six Fours e Hyères, pare che, dopo la mazzata di oggi, il vento voglia prendersi una pausa in questo week-end lungo. I ragazzi del local club “Six Fours Windsurf Organization” sperano però che domani il vento da est  sia meno debole di quanto annunciato e che le previsioni per i prossimi giorni lascino spazio a qualche sorpresa. E se per caso, alla fine, il vento non collaborasse, via alle attività collaterali, come tow-in sessions per un esplosivo freestyle show e SUP Challenge… insomma l’azione non mancherà di sicuro.
Info su Facebook page e sul website ufficiale dell’evento.

After a long week of Wave and Slalom battles during the AFF French Championship on the beaches of Six Fours and Hyères, local club “Six Fours Windsurf Organization” has a single day of rest before moving on to another event, the third edition of the Wave and Freestyle Championship “European Funboard Expression.”
The event is set to start on Saturday afternoon at about 1pm as entries will be continued until 11 am. The east wind is supposed to drop down a bit later but there might be an opportunity for better forecasts, and this could be enough to launch a round for freestylers under 20 years. They will battle for the title of “EFPkT european Champion”! The stakes are high for some who are moving from Germany, Holland and even all the way from the Caribbean. This is a good way to introduce to you an exclusive interview with the 13 years old and very motivated freestyler, Steven Max, who will arrive tomorrow from his island Aruba. The EFE offers him this opportunity to discover the region and a country he does not know yet! A qualified team of officials and judges are gathered together for the occasion with the presence of Ruben Petrisie, co-ordinator of the circuit EFPkT and Tom Hartmann, head judge on the stages of European freestyle circuit EFPT. They will be supported by two other additional judges.
And if the wind fails to show up? No worries, the organizers of the EFE prepared themselves this year and have planned many activities, such as tow-in sessions which promise explosive freestyle show on the beach with the best riders, but also some initiation to windsurfing to give attention to the young locals from Six Fours, also tests and demos of the latest windsurfing gear and a daily SUP Challenge. All participants in the challenges will be rewarded with loads of goodies and prizes provided by the windsurfing brands and partners at the raffle at the end of the scheduled event! So wind or no wind, the 2011 EFE will definitely rock! By Saturday morning, you can follow our live news and the course of the day via our Facebook page ( Our website is already online Before we upload new photos and video podcasts, you will find all the infos including the pictures and videos of the previous editions. The program is available on the “Program” page of the website which is set to be flexible depending on the conditions.


Interview with Steven Max
Steven, where are you coming from?
I’m born and raised in Aruba, lived in Curacao for a while and I love spending a lot of time in Bonaire (these 3 islands are next to each other and it’s easy to hop over), but I live and go to school in Aruba at the moment.
How old are you? How did you come to windsurfing?
I’m 13 now and started to windsurf by chance when I was 8 years old. I used to take sailing classes, but after I tried out windsurfing I was hooked and sailing became history. No one in my family windsurfed at that time, but I heard of a summer camp from a couple of friends, e voila!
Why do you like this sport?
When I’m windsurfing it feels unreal to me, like I’m dreaming and I love the feeling of freedom it gives me. My mom says that when I freestyle, it’s like I’m dancing on water.
Do you have any favourite top freestyle sailor?
Soooo many, but my best buddy has always been Kiri Thode. I calls me “mini-Kiri” which is a great honor, but I’m just plain Steven Max.
What is your goal now that you get involved in youth championships?
This year I joined the PWA as the youngest Freestyle competitor ever. Now my next goal is to win the PWA, haha and if Freestyle becomes a Olympic sport, I would love to go there and represent my country as well.
Do you have any sponsors?
Yes I do! From very early on Hotsails Maui and starboard have supported me. They both make super gear for young kids and I truly believe I excelled as much as I have because of their material as because of any talent I might have. Malta Polar joined my small group of sponsors and together with my head sponsor New India Assurance, have made it possible for me to travel all over the world and compete in all kinds of Championships.
Is it your first trip to France? What do you know about this country?
Yes it is, I’m very excited, but also a little nervous, because I don’t speak French and I don’t know if they speak English or not. I’m a little on the shy side, so I hope to make new friends in France, even though I don’t speak the language.
Why did you decide to come here on this EFPkT final in Six Fours?
Because it’s fun!!! Bruno de Wannemaeker told me months ago about the EFPKT and it sounded great, but almost impossible for me to do, because of the distance and costs. The second leg of the tour was in Brouwersdam at the same time as the IFCA world championship, where I went to defend my 3 year title. I won 3rd place this year and found out that the next leg would be close by in Bredene, so my family and I decided to go and visit Bruno (who lives there) and join the fun. Of course when I left Belgium after winning that leg of the tour, I wanted to be there for the finals. Last week my wish came true, when New India gave me the green light to go, sponsored by them. So there you are, I’m on my way and looking forward. Hope it’s not as cold as the last two legs of the EFPKT, we are not used to it down here in the Tropics.

Itw by Steve Palier/Open Ocean Media
Photos 1 © Jasper van Overbeek - 2 © Mayra - 3 © Twins club/Bredene




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