Nuovo video: Graham Ezzy in Japan!


Come buon presagio, per un week-end che si preannuncia avaro di vento, almeno qui in Liguria, beccatevi questo bel video cone l’erede di casa Ezzy impegnato a surfare le onde del Giappone. Naturalmente grazie, al solito, all’amico Mart di e al proposito vi aggiorniamo sulla Umi Bonaire editing competition lanciata tempo fa da Mart e redazionata anche dal nostro sito
Graham Ezzy in Japan Video
Graham Ezzy in Japan download

Graham Ezzy in Japan from umi pictures on Vimeo.

Words by Graham Ezzy – photos by Ezzy Japan
I guess I felt too close to the trip, and I wanted to write something more poignant than the typical surf film. I wanted to capture the strangeness of it all, to find words and images to make the viewer feel the unhomely homeliness that Japan inspired in us. The first words that came to the page were about the waves and the wind: ‘Windy enough for 4.2, some waves that were overhead, blablabla kill me now’. This concentration of cliché made me nauseous.
I turned to other surf films for some inspiration, but so many of these films start with something like, ‘Yeah, I got a call that the waves were going to be good, so I took the trip. I didn’t expect much but it was really fun. And I got to know so much about the culture.’ To that I must respond: ‘No shit. All that is assumed in taking a trip’. Clearly there was no existing model for me to follow.
I was back to square one. How could I capture the small, business-man hotel in which we stayed? (A small hotel for business men, not a hotel for small men who work in business). Our suite room had a chamber for a bathroom with gaskets on the doors and an electric toilet. Given the indeterminate length of our stay, we had to move to separate single rooms every other couple days and then back to the double suite. One time, they moved us into a double room that was just two beds walled in with no other floor room at all. How could I capture that hobo feeling of always moving rooms and never being in a stable state?



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  1. Bellissimo

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