Kauli Joins Hot Sails Maui


“Excuse me, but I just learned that I’m now team mate with Kauli Seadi. Welcome brother to the Hot Sails Maui team. I very excited“. Così poco più di un’ora fa il buon Cammar, da poco “rientrato” a pieno ritmo sulle pagine cartacee di WN, dava il benvenuto dalla sua pagina facebook a Kauli Seadi nel team Hot Sails Maui. Si chiude così la ridda di voci che ultimamente annunciavano il brasiliano in procinto di accasarsi ora con una veleria ora con un’altra: bene ciò che finisce bene e a breve magari che ne dite di qualche foto action con le nuove Hot e magari non nelle acque di Maui?! Eh si, i vostri amici di Wind News, a volta hanno in serbo qualche asso nella manica… Fra pensaci tu!


Hot Sails Maui is pleased to announce former World Wave Champion Kauli Seadi BRA 253 has joined our team with immediate effect.
Kauli joins the innovative Hawaiian brand at a time when development is at its fastest pace in years and he will immediately be working closely with our renowned and talented designers Jeffrey Henderson & Tom Hammerton in Maui. Together Kauli and the team aim to further develop the wave range in the coming months and subsequent seasons. Kauli is well known as an innovator himself and working with Hot Sails Maui will be a perfect fit. The addition of Kauli to this closely knit team, will generate fresh ideas and give a new energy to all in the Hot Sails Maui Ohana worldwide.
Hot Sails Maui has been gaining a lot of attention recently with products including the Firelight, the SuperFreak Maui Ed. and most recently the QU4D, which all  stand out from the crowd on the water for their innovative designs and exceptional performance.
Kauli is stoked to have Hot Sails Maui support his new project ‘My Dream Tour’ with the aim of inspiring others to travel, dream, and share our wonderful sport with new friends and in new places. The first project on his agenda is his adventure, which you will be hearing far more about in the coming weeks and subsequent interviews. With this new move Kauli plans to scale back his PWA appearances in 2013 only competing in waves events with surfing style conditions.
In the months ahead Kauli, Jeff, Tom and the team at Hot Sails Maui will be focused on developing new and exciting products which will push your sailing further than ever before.




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