EFPT Six Fours a fine ottobre!


Questa volta non sto a tradurvi la presentazione dell’evento francese previsto dal 24 al 27 nello spot “Brutal Beach”… vi basti sapere che moltissimi famosi atleti hanno deciso di schierarsi al via!

European Freestyle Expression 2013_Teaser from Open Ocean Media on Vimeo.

More international stars confirmed for the 5th edition of the EFE
For the 5th consecutive year, Six Fours les plages will host the EFPT from the 24th to 27th October, the European Freestyle Championships Tour during the “European freestyle Expression” event. The organization has decided this year to set up the contest on the famous spot “Brutal Beach” (Bonnegrâce) which is known worldwide since it has hosted an unforgettable epic stage of the windsurfing World Cup in 1986.
As the event saw awesome conditions in 2012 with a memorable night program, numerous competitors wished to join the EFE again in 2013. 1 month before the event kicks off, we are very pleased to announce the participation of some of the best riders in the top 10 PWA world ranking.
Steven Van Broeckhoven (Belgium), actually ranked 3rd
Former freestyle World Champion in 2011, the Belgian is still improving his level with a powerful style that helps him to always reach the top 3 on each stage of the freestyle World Tour. He’ll be the guy to watch, for sure!
Tonky Frans (Bonaire), actually ranked 4th
Originally from the Caribbean, always smiling, Tonky already took part in 2012. Even though he was defeated by the young Belgian Van Der Eyken, Tonky finished second. Let’s bet he wants his revenge this year to reach the highest spot on the podium!
Antony Ruenes (France), actually ranked 5th
Still on course to be among the best in the world, let’s keep an eye on the best french freestyler as he can be brilliant in the local strong ‘Mistral’ wind. These are conditions he knows well and that he really enjoys!
Dieter Van Der Eyken (Belgium), actually ranked 6th
Proud winner of the contest in 2012, the young Belgian has yet improved his level to reach today the world top 10! No doubt Dieter wants to make it happen again and reach the podium because this boy has great versatility, aggressiveness … and style!
Of course, other foreign riders (are expected Italian, Russian, German, Dutch, Swiss, English …), and you can count on the presence of “Team France Windsurf” freestyle, a team that was created two years ago and now lead by Antony Ruenes, the best french national on the World Cup. The local Adrien Bosson (Six Fours), currently 12th on the PWA, will play at home and according to his latest results, he should be on top if the conditions are up. Do not forget Nicolas Akgazciyan (Leucate), currently 16th, who missed last year’s event due to injury, and Julien Mas (Grenoble), current 21st, the “Tow in” specialist.
Today, the program is still in progress, but the participation of windsurfing brands is also announced with Avanti Sails, F2, Fanatic and RRD showing their new toys, and the organization has booked two hot parties at the spot, on 25th and 26th October!

Check & share our new teaser : https://vimeo.com/75002741
The Facebook page EuropeanFreestyleExpression  and the website www.efe-sixfours.com are online!



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