A true champion…


Ve ne ho parlato proprio ieri del titolo di campionessa del mondo wave 2013 conquistato da Daida Moreno e oggi completiamo la news con un breve, ma intensa intervista che il PWA ha realizzato con la campionessa spagnola…
More info Pwaworldtour.com - Foto © Moreno twins Facebook page

The road to recovery is complete for the most successful female windsurfer of all time
After an extremely challenging few years Daida Moreno (Starboard / Severne) demonstrated her incredible grit, determination and phenomenal talent to reclaim her PWA Wave World title, having relinquished the title to her sister Iballa Moreno (Starboard / Severne) in 2012. Daida has dominated the world of windsurfing, together with Iballa, for well over a decade, such is her unbelievable focus and determination to consistently be on top of the world.

The legendary twins have now won an astonishing twenty-three world titles between them and show no signs of letting anyone else into contention, anytime soon. Having recovered from a potentially life threatening condition, Daida is now back where she rightfully deserves to be, looking fitter, stronger and more dangerous than ever. An ominous sign for the rest of her competitors.
In Tenerife, Daida, rotated through trademark one-handed backloops and perfectly executed forwards, combined with some devastating wave riding to hold off the challenge of Iballa and Karin Jaggi (Patrik / Severne) respectively. Having clinched the 2013 PWA Wave World Championship, proving once again the true champion that she is, we caught up with Daida. Read the interview below:
PWA: Hi Daida, firstly congratulations on regaining the PWA Wave World Title, how do you feel?
DM: “I feel really happy, but at the same time it is strange to win this way, after an email from the PWA canceling the event in Chile due to luck of funds. It is kind of frustrating just because many people were looking forward to this event, new location, nice waves…. It never happened to me before but I guess it’s just the way it is. We were in all the events, giving everything to win, preparing the contests. What hurts me more was not being able to score some points in Gran Canaria, we worked really hard during many months to have everything ready, but at the end it is totally out of our hands the Mother Nature.
Besides all this, this title has a very special feeling for me, a psychological feeling, because I win being patient, with effort, courage and strength to move on with life.”
PWA: Everyone knows and appreciates how difficult the last few years have been for you, does that makes this victory even more precious than normal?
DM: “It is definitely a very special title. I am sure that if it was someone else who went through my cavalry they would have given up competing a long time ago. Sometimes I think I must be some kind of masochist, but the truth is that I need windsurfing in my blood to stay alive. Competition is not what it used to be, it is not what I dream about, but to score a good windsurfing session at my home spot and train every day looking for new moves is my passion and all that I am really looking for. Windsurfing keeps me alive and it helps my mind to stay strong and move forward.”
PWA: How will you be celebrating?
DM: “I actually haven’t even thought about this yet. I have no time for now, studying at university to become a physiotherapist (hopefully I will be done by July 2015), working with my rental apartments, windsurfing everyday I can. We might celebrate on December 1st, out birthday ;-).”
PWA: Favorite move, both jumping and on the wave?
DM: “My favorite jump is pushloop table top. I am already focusing for pushloop forwards, need some more muscles hehe. On the waves I love doing backside and front side 360.”
PWA: What are your favorite conditions to sail in?
DM: “Side-on port tack so I can wave ride and jump.”
PWA: With the 2013 PWA World Tour now complete, how will you be spending your winter?
DM: “My winter will be hectic, at university everyday and rotating around different hospitals for practice and windsurfing every time there is wind. If there is no wind I keep up my training with surfing, SUP, basketball and hiking up on the mountains.”
PWA: What advice would you give to young and upcoming sailors who want to start competing?
DM: “All I can say is my own experience, I started traveling and competing and then I learned how to do moves that the other girls couldn’t do. In my first World Cup event I got a 3rd place and after this it was much easier to get sponsors. If you want to compete, I recommend you to do as I did, to train a lot before anything else.”
PWA: Thanks Daida, good luck over the winter and we look forward to seeing you ripping again next year.
If you’d like to stay up to date with everything Daida is up to then be sure to like the Moreno twins Facebook page, which can be found here.


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