New Video… Pierre Garambois freestyle!


Freestyle sul fiume… di questa stagione?! In effetti questo novembre appena conclusosi è stato uno dei più caldi degli ultimi anni (e pensate che oggi, 5 dicembre, alla Spiaggia d’Oro (IM) c’erano almeno 18°! ) e così Pierre Garambois se l’è sfruttato tutto nel suo home spot … “fluviale”!
Here is a short video about 2 sessions we had in november on the river Rhône in south of France, with La BAR Team. November was surprisingly hot over here and we had a few good sessions. Personally i was really happy to be back after 3 months injured!
The wind was kinda light and we didn’t film for so long, that’s why we don’t have so many footages, but still, we hope you like the video!
Camera: Guillaume Durand
Editing: Pierre Garambois

November was hot - La BAR on the Rhône again from Pierre Garambois on Vimeo.


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