2012 PWA Provisional Calendar


Calendario delle gare PWA per l’anno 2012… ancora provvisorio… si spera che un evento in Capo Verde, al momento ancora in fase di discussione con il governo locale, venga a “rafforzare” la lista di appuntamenti dedicati alle onde, anche quest’anno assai “europei”.
More info su http://www.pwaworldtour.com

One of the events in question was the Vietnam Grand Slam that had been scheduled for the 9th – 17th March. However, due to delays in the confirmation of funding for the event, it has now been postponed until the end of the season.
The Cape Verde event is not currently listed on the calendar. We are still in discussion with the government in Cape Verde and there are still possibilities for the event to happen but we do not have concrete enough information to publish details at this time. We expect more information to be available in the next week, but if the event goes ahead it is likely that it will be at comparatively short notice, before the middle of March.
For events with 2 disciplines, some will have split dates. Although these are not 100% fixed yet the following dates are intended for the individual disciplines.
Aruba Freestyle: 26th – 30th May
Aruba Slalom: 29th May – 2nd June
Fuerteventura Slalom: 20th – 25th July
Fuerteventura Freestyle: 25th – 30th July


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