Red Bull Big Days: Green light!


Come in Italia, domani 9 novembre, sarà, anche in Germania, un venerdì da leoni.
Mentre in Sardegna è stato chiamato per domani il Budweiser Waveride Capo del Capo, in Germania è stata fatta la stessa cosa per il Red Bull Big Days!
Ne vedremo delle belle…

Metereological Institutes have just released a gale storm warning for friday 9th November: That is the moment the German Wave-Community has been awaiting for weeks! The first appropriate autumn storm will approach German coastlines. The official starting signal has now been given for the Red Bull Big Days. According to most weathermen the storm will be riding sustained northwesterly winds with gusts up to 50 knots. Let’s head for Weißenhaus! Hopefully the beach at the Baltic Sea near Kiel will live up to its name as a prominent wave spot. Thanks to the meteorological conditions the contestants will be blessed with high waves and strong winds in the Hohwachter Bucht. Beside Normen Günzlein, Andy Wolff, and Steffi Wahl, there will be Klaas Voget joining the top-class starter field of the Red Bull Big Days. Like the other athletes he can’t await to feel some of the storm’s fury: „I’m stoked that green light was finally given. I believe it’s gonna be a Big Day. It’s just gonna be a blast!“
Spectators are welcome to observe the action on-site. The green flag for the first heat will be raised around 10.30 a.m. The organisation crew appeals to nonparticipating windsurfers at Weißenhaus to be considerate of the event: Please surf outside the contest area only! The Red Bull Big Days will die away with a decent party at night. At 10 p.m. the doors of one of Kiel’s famous night clubs (tbc on site) will open.
For late-breaking pictures and first video impressions please visit HYPERLINK “”


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