Edvan Souza con RRD!


La RRD Family dà un caloroso benvenuto al giovane e talentuoso freestyler brasliano Edvan Souza, che sta già sparando la sua infinita raffica di manovre sulle nuove e stilose tavole RRD 2009. Edvan ha appena vinto il mondiale Freestyle IWA disputatosi a Icarazinho ed ha in programma di partecipare a quanti più eventi freestyle possibili del Tour EFPT e PWA. Ben arrivato Edvan!
All details, action images and videos are available on the official website http://www.robertoriccidesigns.com/

RRD Family welcomes Edvan Souza, a young freestyle wizard from Jericoacoara (Brazil) that is already shooting his infinite string of tricks on stylish RRD boards. Edvan just won the IWA Freestyle worlds held in Icaraizinho and plans to attend the EFPT and PWA freestyle events on the incoming 2009 season. Welcome Edvan!


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