DAM7 PWA Netherlands World Cup - day 1


Dopo quasi un mese di vacanza, primo giorno di lavoro… mizzeca non era più abituato! Cerchiamo di “riannodare” i nostri contatti e ricominciamo… allora, vediamo cosa è successo nel frattempo: partiamo con i ragazzi della world cup, che avevamo lasciato a Tenerife al momento di partire per le vacanze e che, nel periodo in cui non siamo stati collegati, sono andati in “mission slalom” ad Alacati, dove Alberto Menegatti ha sfiorato il colpaccio! Dei due eventi, Tenerife e Alacati, troverete ampi report raccontati direttamente dai protagonisti, nel prossimo numero di Wind News, che sta quasi bollendo…
Ora tocca ai freestylers, impegnati nei paesi bassi per la DAM7 PWA Netherlands World Cup in programma da ieri fino al 14 settembre.
Giornata di apertura sotto tono dal punto di vista vento e alora via alle prime heat del tow-in contest!
More info Pwaworldtour.com - Foto © Carter/Pwaworldtour



Day 1: Ruenes wins the opening heat of tow-in with light winds on the opening day
The opening day of the DAM7 PWA Netherlands World Cup witnessed light winds as the sailors registered between 10am and 11am. With the light winds on offer the majority of the competitors took the opportunity to prepare their equipment for the coming week, whilst at 3pm the first round of the tow-in contest was completed. Anthony Ruenes (Tabou / Gaastra), Nicolas Akgazciyan (Starboard / Point-7 / Maui Ultra Fins) and Taty Frans (Starboard / MauiSails / Mystic / Maui Ultra Fins) all successfully secured their place in the final, after landing a brilliant shaka flaka, a stylish clew-first flaka and a triple funnel diablo respectively. Youp Schmit (JP / NeilPryde) still has a chance of making the final too, as the lucky loser having finished in fourth place.
With plenty of downtime today we caught up with Anthony Ruenes, who currently sits in fifth place in the overall rankings.
PWA: What have you been up to since Fuerte? Have you been training anywhere?
AR: “I haven’t been sailing much actually as for the whole of August I was doing my internship for physiotherapy in hospital. So I’ve sailed a little bit, but there wasn’t much wind at home. I also sailed a competition in Gruissan, France, with all the Frenchies and that was pretty nice.
PWA: Have you ever sailed in Brouwersdam before?
AR: “Yeah, I sailed here last year before Sylt for the Dutch championships and that was pretty nice. Hopefully it’s going to be pretty windy and then we can have some really good conditions.”
PWA: Aims for the week?
AR: “I want to try and go for first place for sure. I’ll just try to do my best and have fun and then see what happens.”
PWA: Thanks Anthony and good luck for the rest of the week.
We also caught up with Arrianne Aukes (RRD / Simmer / Maui Ultra Fins) who is enjoying her best season so far in second place:
PWA: After competing in Fuerte and Tenerife, what have you been doing?
AA: “I’ve only been back in Holland for five days actually as I’ve been travelling through Europe with my camper van. I’ve had quite a bit of sailing in Tenerife and Portugal. I’ve done a bit of freestyle, waves and regular surfing, rather than just concentrating on freestyle, but it’s been really good.”
PWA: How did you find competing in waves for the first time?
AA: “It was fun, but I only want to do another wave event if I get some more practice as I only competed in Tenerife because I was there. If I get some good opportunities next year then it’s a possibility. I had fun and I think it is good to try both.”
PWA: In Fuerte you finished second, you must be feeling reasonably confident about the week ahead?
AA: “I was really happy with my result and now I’d like to try and defend my position. I really hope that we get good conditions, so we can put on a good performance for the crowd and Holland.”
PWA: Which move(s) are you training at the moment?
AA: “I’m trying burners, but I haven’t landed one yet, but I’m getting closer!”
PWA: Favorite move?
AA: “I think that it still has to be one-handed funnels.”
PWA: Thanks Arrianne and best of luck for the competition.
The forecast for tomorrow looks much better than today with southwesterly winds being predicted, which will hopefully allow the start of the contest. The skippers’ meeting has been called for 10am with the action commencing from 10:30am. You’ll be able to stay up to date with all of the action by tuning into www.pwaworldtour.com.


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